lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010


Con motivo del día del Libro, desde el área de Inglés, hemos querido trabajar la poesía ya que este curso conmemoramos al poeta Miguel Hernández.
El alumnado de primaria y secundaria ha elaborado una serie de poemas en lengua inglesa. Podeis leerlos a continuación.

The sky is beautiful
in the night.
I see the sky
and think about you.

Sandra Linares, 2º ESO

I like your eyes,
your eyes in my dreams,
my dreams in the darkness,
the darkness in me...

Sandra Ruiz, 2º ESO

A heart.

Sara Giraldez, 2º ESO

I like your eyes,
I like your smile,
I like your hands,
I like your face,
I like everything of you.

Antonio López, 2º ESO

When I go to bed,
I,m tired.
When I go to bed,
I close my eyes.
When I go to bed,
I dream.

When I wake up,
I open my eyes.
When I wake up,
I get dresser.
When I wake up,
I'm happy.

Jaime Espinosa, 2º ESO

I dream with your eyes,
your beautiful eyes shine in the sky,
in the sky fall tears,
tears fall for you.

Carmen Mª Arrebola, 2º ESO

When I go to street,
I need see you.
When I go to street,
I need play with you.
When I go to street,
I'm happy for you
because the love is blue.

Ana Dolores Cordón, 2º ESO

I like your face,
your face in my heart,
my heart in the sky,
the sky in the world.

Diego Granados, 2º ESO

The love is something incredible,
the love is something invisible,
the love is something essential.

Ana Isabel CAbrillana, 2º ESO

Your eyes shine near the sea,
your beautiful face near the moon,
youe pretty look in my heart,
and my heart boke of bitter.

Carmen andrea Cívico, 2º ESO

I want to have you more time, than the time I have.

María Melero, 2º ESO

The sky is blue,
blue like the sea,
blue like your eyes.

Juan José Aguilar, 2º ESO

Like in the moon your eyes shone, the mine ones in your heart.

Mª Isabel Márquez, 2º ESO

Feeling love is like felling your heart,
love, love, love...

Cynthia Arjona, 2º ESO

The sun shine like tyour eyes in my eyes.

Ainoa Granados, 2º ESO